Effective Facebook Ads Strategies for Mini-Product Sales

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Mastering Facebook Ads for Mini-Product Success
Here at are L.A.U.N.C.H. we love mini-products.
They are the number one way to attract high-quality, purchase-qualified, clients into your world.
Our favorite model is Paid Ad > Lead Magnet > Mini-Product Upsell.
The old-school way was Paid Ad > Mini-Product.
The challenge with the old-school model is you only have a single shot at making the sale.
With the Lead Magnet up front, you capture emails for up to 60% – 70% of opt-in page visitors.
Your mini-product is offered to everyone who opts in.
And, because you have their email, you can send a 5/7 part email follow-up sales sequence.
Sure, you can sell directly from the ad, but it’s playing the game on hard mode.
And, with the rising cost of ads, we need to adapt our approach.
So what does the game look like on hard mode?
Let’s take a look at a Facebook ad driving people directly to a $47 mini-product.
I love how clear the primary promise of the ad is.
For anyone who’s never tried, (or can’t remember) learning the guitar, the early days are excruciating.
All you want is to be able to move fast and for the chords to sound clear.
Everyone tells you that practice is key, but very few people tell you how to practice.
The opening line is a catcall to anyone struggling to learn the guitar.
Next, we see a “before-after bridge”.
Here are all the negative things you’re currently experiencing……
And once you “take the challenge,” here are all the great things you’ll experience.
I like the use of the open loop – And that’s just in 11 of the 14 lessons.
So what’s in the other 3 lessons? This will build curiosity and memorability.
The ad is then wrapped up with a 300% money-back guarantee.
Remember, the objective of the ad is to get people to the sales page, not to sell the product.
This is a beautiful ad template you can easily swipe and recreate in your ad campaigns.
Facebook ads Swipe File
High-Converting Mini-Product Offer Page Template
Here’s the above-the-fold section of the $47 sales page for the 14-day chord challenge.
Let’s start with the name – 5 Minute Guitar.
People are lazy.
They want you to guarantee their wildest dreams will come through, immediately without any work.
I love 5 Minute Guitar. The unspoken promise is clear.
Your guitar dreams can come through doing just 5 minutes of practice.
The core premise of the ad is reflected on the sales page – slow and buzzy chords.
This is an important point.
As you optimize your ads, you may find a mismatch between your ads and your landing page.
Make sure you keep the messaging aligned on both once you find your winning ad.
When you focus on a specific problem, it makes writing headlines easy.
“Confidently play with accurate, fast chord changes in just 14 days.“
The claim in the headline is then backed up in the subhead…
…“step-by-step system”….. “the ultimate practice routine”.
This puts people at ease that there is a proven path to follow. And that they can get the promised results.
If you don’t have a “Go From…To Statement”, take 15 minutes today to create a first draft.
Go from {undesirable state} to {desirable state}
Go from sounding like a beginner to confidently play the songs you love.
Check out the sales page swipe file for even more inspiration for your own high-converting mini-product offer page.