Supercharge Your List Building with Mini-Products

If you have an online course or membership business, you need to grow your email list.
The quickest and easiest way to grow your email list is with Facebook ads.
But……Facebook ads cost money.
And it can be scary pumping cash into your ads and waiting until your next launch to figure out if you’ll get a return on your investment.
Enter the Front End Mini-Product.
The funnel looks like this:
- FB Ad > Lead magnet > Mini-Product Upsell ($27 – $99)
If you are a long-time follower of L.A.U.N.C.H., you will know this is one of our favorite funnels.
In fact, helping people launch profitable Front End Mini-Products is a huge part of the work we do in our Ad Agency and the Lead2Launch Coaching program.
And, here is a beautifully simple example of a Front End Mini Product from Stu McLaren.
This is Stu’s primary evergreen lead gen funnel.
No hype, no crazy claims, just some A+, straight-talking, problem-solving, avatar-focused copy.
As I always say, the bigger you get, the less specific your primary promise needs to be.
But as big as Stu is, his ads will still end up in the feeds of people who have no clue who he is.
And, as these ads run all year round the opt-in and upsell must be converting.
In some ways, this goes against a lot of best practices.
It isn’t specific about the number of steps.
Apart from “profitable” it doesn’t have a specific defined primary promise,
It isn’t wrapped in an attractive “container” (blueprint, step guide, cheatsheet).
It doesn’t give a timeline for implementation.
And it doesn’t explain how once you possess this knowledge, you will get the result you want easier and quicker than otherwise.
He does, however, use language that will instantly resonate with his audience:
- Launch a successful and profitable membership site
- build a successful membership around what you already know, love, and do.
- reclaim your time and attract a community of paying members?
Sometimes, simple works.
This is definitely an opt-in page template to stick up on your wall for your next funnel optimization session.
Opt-in Page Swipe Files: