Launch Newsletter Issue #00082
Hey, hey, it’s L.A.U.N.C.H., where we deliver online business growth strategies like your paperboy – right to your digital front door, wrapped up nice and tight.
Going the skip the L (Leads), the A (A.I) & the U (Uplevel Ads) today and get straight to the Now Launching….

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N – Now Launching
How to structure your Pre-Launch Workshop
You know we love nothing more than a good launch around here.
And they don’t come any better than Stu McLaren’s Membership Workshop launch.
Stu’s once-a-year launch is a masterpiece.
Let’s look at the lineup for Stu’s workshop.
Part 1 – The Membership Movement (Thursday, April 4 at 3 pm ET)
- The 3 characteristics of a great membership market
- Is your market suited to a membership?
- A powerful tool to determine if your membership idea will flop or fly
Part 2 – The Success Path (Monday, April 8 at 3 pm ET)
- The simple but most important element of any membership site
- The 4 real reasons why people will join your membership
- What hooks your members to stay and keep paying month after month
Part 3 – The Membership Blueprint (Thursday, April 8 at 3 pm ET)
- Stu’s proven step-by-step for starting a low-stress, highly profitable membership
- What you need to attract the right members and keep them for the long haul
- The most important steps that can make or break any membership business
If you want to attract leads or sell stuff online, you need to pay attention to this launch.
A couple of weeks ago, we looked at Phase 1 – Launch Awareness.
Today, we’re going to look at Phase 2 – Pre-Launch Engagement.
Stu’s running with a traditional 3 part workshop launch.
Stu’s launch follows Jeff Walker’s PLF model closely with a couple of Stu’y tweaks.
If you’ve been online for over 5 minutes, you’ve probably experienced a PLF Launch.
The “explain it to me like I’m 5”, version of a PLF launch is –
- Run 3 workshops over 3/7 days (Pre-Launch)
- Then make an offer for people to join your program for 4/7 days (Open Cart)
Nice and simple in theory……..BUT……
The biggest mistake I see people (even experienced launchers) make is sequencing.
Just teaching 3 random topics in your workshop isn’t going to move people to buy.
Pay attention to how Stu structures and sequences his workshop topics.
Let’s put ourselves into the shoes of Stu’s perfect-fit client.
Maybe you have an existing coaching, service, or bricks-and-mortar business.
Or maybe you are working a 9-to-5.
You know you need to make a change.
Maybe your cash flow is lumpy, or you’re sick of working 80 hours a week.
You know there is a better way to make money and live your life.
You’ve heard of memberships before, but you are not sure if they are for you.
What’s your #1 question or pain point?
Can a membership work for me? Will my idea work? Do people want it?
And that’s exactly what Stu answers in his first Workshop.
We have to meet our perfect-fit client where they are.
Stu goes all in on the big opportunity in Workshop 1.
Now, if you have bought into the opportunity, the very next question you’ll have is:
What will I include in my membership? Will people buy it? Will people stay in it?
And that’s what Stu covers in Workshop 2.
Then, finally, in Workshop 3, Stu outlines the entire process of building a profitable membership business.
So, in Workshop 1, we get people excited about the opportunity and show them it is possible for them to achieve.
In Workshop 2, we show people how they could make that a reality and help them connect with what that reality would look like for them.
Finally, we show them that we have a plan to get them from where they are today to where they want to go.
First, we’ve got to get our audience to commit to mastering the process.
Then we need to instill the belief that they can achieve the promised outcome.
And finally we demonstrate that we have a pathway to get them where they want to go.
No one does this better than Stu.
And if you want to see the master in action, so you can model his launch for yourself….
Make sure you don’t miss the first Workshop today:
C – Conversion Optimization
How to build a profitable mini-front-end product
Your Facebook ad bill hit your card again.
Were your course or membership sales higher than your ad spend this month?
If not, you need a mini-front-end product.
Here’s how to build a profitable mini-front-end product and why it’s critical to the future of your online business.
The cost of ads will only ever increase. New platforms start off cheap, and then as more people enter the market, the cost per result increases. With a mini-front-end product, you can cover the cost of your advertising on the front end before your credit card bill is even due.
Step 1 – Create an attractive Lead Magnet: The best lead magnets solve one specific problem. They can be consumed within less than 15 minutes. They get people to take action and make progress quickly. The outcome is one small step taken rather than 100 imagined.
Step 2 – Create a follow on Mini-Product: What’s the next step for people once they have your lead magnet? Either solve the next problem they face or help them solve the problem addressed in the lead magnet quicker with less effort. The idea price point is $49 – $99.
Step 3 – Build your sales sequence: Draft 5 part email campaign which you send people after they opt-in for the lead magnet. Focus on what will be possible for them once they own the mini-product and how that will improve their life.
Step 4 – Build your funnel: You’ll need an opt-in page. Immediately after opt-in, redirect people to a thank you page with the mini-product offer. The email sequence sends people back to a stand-alone offer page. Tools like Deadline Funnel can increase conversion rates.
Step 5 – Launch your ads: Start with the purchase conversion. Deliver your email sequence within 7 days to help with attribution in Facebook. Get your ads to a minimum of 1.5% unique outbound CTR. Optimize opt-in page conversion to 55%. Then optimize the offer page.
H – Hot Take
And, what’s the best business model for a lifestyle business?
You’re spot on…….. Online courses, memberships, and group coaching.
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