Launch Newsletter Issue #00075

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L – Leads

The “How I (Achieved Primary Promise)” Headline

Hate him or love him. (and you probably hate him!) Grant Cardone is one of the world’s top marketers.


His marketing style is brash and loud with private jets and lambos.


This isn’t our cup of tea. And if you’re reading L.A.U.N.C.H., it probably isn’t yours.


But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from Grant.


In fact, some of the best lessons we can learn are from people at the polar opposite of our marketing style.


What I love about Grant is he knows his audience. 


Every campaign, promise, word, and image he delivers is fully aligned with the audience he serves.

Webinar opt-in page optimization

Before we get into the review can we just stand back and applaud the social proof.


“Grant Cardone – Certified Billionaire”


Firstly, I am pretty sure there is no Billionaire certification program. 


(Not that it isn’t something I’ve had to research just yet!)


But it takes a certain type of person to put this on an opt-in page. Bravo, Grant 👏👏👏👏 


OK, back into the opt-in page structure and what we can learn and implement in our own funnels.


There are two versions of this headline


  1. “How I did X” 
  2. “How Student Z did X”


Both of these are powerful mechanisms.


In both cases, “X” is the primary desire of your audience. 


Primary desires need to be specific. In this case, it is earning $5,000,000.


But not just making $5,000,000. It’s making it in 90 days with 0 contacts and just $100.


Bounding your primary promise with a timeline for attainment will always increase the appeal.


The next two elements are key because they answer two primary objections.


“Well, of course, Grant can make $5,000,000 in 90 days, but I don’t have his network or his money.” 


Everyone who lands on our opt-in page has a number of objections.


If we don’t answer the most common objections there and then it will kill our conversion rate.


This mechanism can be equally powerful to demonstrate how you achieved your audience’s primary desire or how a student of yours has achieved the primary desire.


Remember, people need to believe 3 things before they buy from you:

  1. You have the skills and knowledge to help them achieve their primary desire
  2. You have a process that guarantees they can achieve their primary desire
  3. You are the person they want to lead them to their primary desire


Both of these style webinars or lead magnets can work exceptionally well to instill these 3 beliefs before making an offer.


The pre-header is also a common and highly effective mechanism you can implement on your next opt-in page:


FREE (Training, Guide, Plan, Cheatsheet) Reveals


Opt-in Page Swipe Files


A – A.I. Growth Prompts – A kick-ass, swiss army knife, ChatGPT killer, AI Chatbot

Over the past 3 to 4 months I’ve been experimenting with is an AI Chatbot similar to ChatGPT.


Here at L.A.U.N.C.H., we try to prevent subscription creep at all times, but this is definitely a low-cost subscription that we think you may love.


The big benefit of is that it gives you access to the majority of the popular language models.


Each language model has certain limitations placed on it by its developers.


This means that some services are better at writing marketing copy while others are better at writing long-form copy, and others have stronger content filters, which makes their outputs more generic.


When you log into, you can select the model you want to chat with.


So now, with a little research, you can make sure you are using the best tool for the job. also lets you create CustomGPTs and lets you share your GPTs with others. has turned this into an extensive library of highly specialized bots for you to explore and use.  


Just some of the models gives you access to include:

  • GPT-4 
  • Claude100k (75,000 words)
  • DALL-E-3
  • StableDiffusionXL
  • ChatGPT4
  • ChatGPT4-32k (24,000 words)
  • Llama2 is the swiss army knife of AI Chatbots. And at the same monthly price as ChatGPT it’s well worth checking out.


We’ve been very impressed with its useability and outputs.


U – Uplevel Ads

The very first Facebook ad I write for every new campaign

Facebook ads for course creators and membership site owners

When you crack your primary promise, the copy writes itself.

Everything that we discussed in the Leads section applies here.

Notice how closely the ad copy language mirrors the opt-in page copy.

The first ad I draft for a new opt-in campaign always uses the majority of the copy of the opt-in page with very little else added.

The feedback loop on Facebook is faster than your opt-in page.

If an ad containing your opt-in page copy flops, you know your opt-in page won’t convert, and you need to go back to the drawing board.

On the other hand, if the ad is getting good engagement on Facebook, you know you’ve got something to work with.  

Facebook Ads Swipe Files


N – Now Launching

The upside down sales page

Sales page optimization

Grant brings an energy and enthusiasm to his webinar that is hard to beat.


We may roll our eyes at his message and his brash style, but his audience loves him and hangs on every word he says.


He has an infectious confidence. 


He believes 110% in his own abilities and his ability to get you the result you want.


By the time the sales page link is shared at the end of the webinar, he knows there are people who are ready to buy.


And if you have people you know are ready to buy the last thing you should do is make them work to do so.


And that’s why I believe Grant’s upside-down sales page works.


When drafting a traditional sales page, we want to bring people on a journey.


On a journey from objection-filled, disinterested, skeptic to enthusiastic buyer.


On a traditional sales page, we map that journey as:

  1. Position
  2. Problem
  3. Pain
  4. Prescription
  5. Pivot
  6. Product
  7. Product Details
  8. Price
  9. Promotion
  10. Purchase Details  


You can see here Product Details and Price are right at the bottom.


Grant flips the script on this, placing these two items at the very top of the page.


This would be disastrous if Grant were sending cold traffic to the sales page.


They would make their decision based on cost alone.


However, as he has whipped his audience into a frenzy during the webinar, it makes sense to put it front and center.


And remember, they have already seen the offer block and the price on the webinar.


And look how he stacks the value further down the page in the pricing section:

Sales page optimization for online courses

Positioning the done-for-you option so close in pricing to the do-it-yourself option will push the majority of purchases to the higher price option.


We can achieve the opposite effect by making the done-for-you option $1,497.


In this case, $1,497 would provide a positive price anchor for $497 and make it seem even better value.


This is definitely a sales page to study in full for your next offer:


Sales Page Swipe Files


C – Conversion Optimization

Facebook Ad reporting cheatsheet

Facebook ad reporting and analysis can be a real pain in the ass.


But, without good reporting, you’ll never run profitable Facebook ads.


And, you’ll struggle to grow your online course or membership business.


Here’s your Facebook Ad reporting cheatsheet


Ad reporting and analysis is the key to unlock the full potential of your Facebook campaigns. Dive deep into data, identify patterns, and optimize for future success! Here are 4 actionable steps to nail it.


Step 1 – Set up custom dashboards: Create custom dashboards in Facebook Ads Manager, tailored to your goals. Here are my go-to metrics to track – CPM, CTR All, Outbound CTR, CPL, CPA & ROAS.


Step 2 – Review copy and creative performance: Study your top-performing ads, breaking it down by Headline, Creative & Body Copy. Form theories for why each component is performing so well and document both winning elements and winning combinations


Step 3 – Review audience performance: When starting, use Ad Set Budget optimization to test different audiences. Start with at least 3 audiences. Make notes of which ones perform best and which creative elements work best within each audience.


Step 4 – Always be testing: Always have a number of structured tests running at all times. You will rarely hit a home run straight out the gate. Be methodical and structured. Formally report your hypothesis and results for each test.


Step 5 – Optimize based on results: Identify the winning combination of ad creatives, copy, and targeting. Allocate budget to high-performing ad sets and make incremental improvements to underperforming ones. BE PATIENT. Great campaigns take time.


H – Hot Take

The simple solution to a big problem conundrum


The trick in the online world is to acknowledge your avatars big problem. 


Console them and show them that you understand how frustrated they must be.


Then show them how your simple solution gives them a big outcome with the least amount of work on their behalf.


Simplicity is the key.



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