Successful Online Course Launch Strategy

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Quiz Opt-in Page: Inside a Quiz to Launch Strategy
The countdown is on to one of the big launches in the Online Course world. Amy Porterfield is limbering up for her Digial Course Academy Launch. What a great time to be a launch voyeur!
Closer to the launch, Amy will likely use a traditional pre-launch opt-in. But, for now, her list-building efforts are focused on her “Discover Your Ambition Archetype” quiz.
Archetype or Type is one of the 3 (and possibly most common) quiz types.
- Type
- Killer
- Score
Amy has followed the Ask Method to the tee with this quiz and uses as her quiz builder.
Some key takeaways:
- Immediately your eyes are drawn to “Free Quiz” across the top. As quizzes are still a relative novelty for front-end users, the combination of Free and Quiz is strong.
- One of the strongest trigger lines on the page is “Discover Your Ambition Archetype” – Discover is one of my favorite opt-in page words. It builds curiosity and intrigue. Most entrepreneurs are “ambition” and competitive-focused, which will pique their interest. We love finding out how we fit into the world, which is why Archetypes are so powerful.
- Ready to get clear on exactly how you can make more cash, impact, and space to do what you love, your way? Amy touches directly on the 2 of the 3 freedoms here with Financial and Time. Impact is also closely related to the 3rd freedom, which is lifestyle.
- An interesting question to ask is do we really want impact for what it does for others or do we want “impact” for how it makes us feel about our own significance. (Could be a good one to journal on!)
Quiz Opt-in Page Swipe File
Facebook Ad Optimization: Reviewing Effective Quiz Ads
If you launch a Quiz you will need traffic at scale.
Before I dive into one of Amy’s ads, jump over to the Facebook Ad Library and look at the scale of the campaign that Amy has launched.
Amy has 17 Ad variations running for her Quiz. Some of these ads appear 35 times across different campaigns and ad sets.
There is a mix of medium and long-form ad copy centered around 2-3 key themes.
These are matched with static and video creatives.
If you study the copy and creative, you realize you don’t need lots of ideas.
You just need 2-3 strong ideas and then iterate to produce many ad variations.
This is especially important if you are running a time condensed campaign for something like a launch where you have a large budget being spent over a relatively short period of time.
Some key takeaways:
- Amy grabs attention with “New Quiz!” Emojis are a great way to catch people’s eyes in ads.
- Straight away Amy calls out her primary avatar, which is a corporate professional looking to start an online business. “allergic to a “typical” career path”.
- After grabbing their attention Amy connects with their fears and the internal nagging voice that exists within the head of her avatar. “Moving up in WHOSE world”
- Then she moves into connecting with their dreams – “creating a business and life that aligns with your values”
- She then links the outcome people want to the quiz.
- Take a few minutes to answer this 7-question quiz and get to know which of the 4 Ambition Archetypes you are. Few minutes – 7-questions – 4 Ambition Archetypes. Gets specific, makes it feel quick, and makes it feel easy. Remember the value formula – Accentuate the primary promise, guarantee the outcome, reduce the time to attainment and reduce the effort required.
- Study the fascination bullet points. In fact take 5 minutes now, grab a note pad and write these out. Often we feel compelled to tell people what they need to do or what they will get. Notice the way Amy creates real curiosity and teases the outcome without giving any real detail.
✅ How your natural strengths nudge you towards the business style you’ll be most successful at
✅ One potential setback based on your archetype that might nip at your Achilles heel on the journey to business and lifestyle freedom
✅ Other leaders, makers, and status-quo-shakers that share your archetype and prove that a business outside the status quo is not only possible, it’s worth getting uncomfortable for
✅ What to do next to leverage all of the above, lean into your archetype, and take a flying leap towards the specific lifestyle you’re dreaming of
Facebook Ad Swipe Files
Launch Waitlist – Avatar Call out
Well will you look at that… It’s an Amy Porterfield clean sweep…
I love following a launch from start to finish. So much happens before that first bit of pre-launch content is released. Here we see the waitlist for the Digital Course Academy page.
Amy has more detail than is commonly seen on a waitlist page. Remember that Amy has lots of launch reps and conversion data to work with. If you are starting out recommend keeping it simple.
One feature of the waitlist page that I want to focus on is the Avatar call out.
Every online business owner should have a well developed and accurate Avatar call out.
Most online businesses will have 3-4 specific segments within their target market. These are the people who will gain the most from working with you or which you help most frequently.
The model Amy uses is simple but effective.
- If you are a specific person
- Who has this specific problem
- And your dream is
- Then this is for you
Why not take 5 minutes for the following exercise:
- Identify the 3-4 key avatar segments within your business
- Idenitfy the biggest pain point for each segment
- Identify the common dream for each segment
Your online business is the answer to the question:
- How do you help each segment eliminate their biggest pain and make their dreams come true?