Unconventional Course Launch Strategic Move Revealed
Brave move here by Amy, counter to what 99% of the big names do. She has offered people free access to Module 1 of Digital Course Academy during her course launch.

Amy knows her content is top-notch, so she isn’t worried people will see it and not like it.
The risk is people will get in for free and then get stuck in implementation mode or get overwhelmed before the cart closes.
Obviously, Amy has thought about this, so I would imagine that she has moved most of her old Pre-Launch Content into Module 1 or made this module heavily mindset-focused.
This is the first time I’ve seen a big-name launcher do this, so hat tip to Amy.
She is a model for trying new shit. I’d love to see this crush for her.
I’m not the biggest fan of Amy’s Offer Page headline.
It is generic and bland.
Now don’t get me wrong, Amy’s launch will gross over $5,000,000.
But she and her team are copy geniuses, and I expect more.
Revenue simplified doesn’t mean anything.
And people don’t lie awake at night in pain wondering how they will “untie their earnings from their hours”
Yes, I know the point they are going for that that isn’t how people would talk about the problem they are facing.
But hey, when you’ve put in the pre-work with your audience and build anticipation and desire with a killer Bootcamp and Masterclass, your headline doesn’t have to shoulder all the burden of conversion.
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