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L – Latest News

YouTube is shaking things up with 30-second unskippable ads on connected TVs

Say goodbye to those pesky 15-second consecutive ads and hello to longer, ‘richer storytelling’ that viewers at home will totally love. Plus, YouTube’s AI will help you find the perfect ad format to reach your campaign goals.

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OpenAI just dropped the ChatGPT iOS app, bringing all the AI-powered chatting goodness to your fingertips!

Sync your conversations, talk hands-free with voice input (although it might glitch a bit), and feel fancy with a more user-friendly interface. So, grab your iPhone, download the app, and start chatting like a boss.

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Montana takes a swing at TikTok, becoming the first state to ban the app

The Chinese-owned platform is shaking in its short-video boots as it faces off against cowboys and comedians in a wild showdown. Will Montana’s ban stand up in court? Stay tuned for the TikTok legal showdown!

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A – A.I. For Growth

A.I. Prompt of the Week

Prompt Objective: 

Ask ChatGTP to request all the information they need to undertake the task that you ask them to complete.

Prompt Outline:

I want you to act as an expert {…profession or field…} 

In a while I am going to ask you to do {..task..}. 

Before I do I would like you to ask me all the questions you need to do your job. 

Prompt Use Case

  • Every time you are running a new prompt and are unsure what data ChatGPT needs to complete the task. 

Latest A.I. Tools

The SEO Swiss Army Knife that’ll have you saying “Sayonara, competitors! in minutes.

Why settle for mediocre rankings when you can skyrocket to the top? Seodity’s powerful features let you outsmart your competition and attract organic traffic like a boss.

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Get your video and audio content to speak volumes with Exemplary’s AI-powered magic

Say goodbye to mind-numbing transcriptions and hello to prompt-driven brilliance that’ll make your audience laugh, cry, and wonder if you secretly hired Shakespeare’s AI cousin.

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Get ready to conquer the web with effortless style!

Say goodbye to hours of frustration and hello to kickass websites, all courtesy of Dora’s prompt-powered magic. Get your site up and running faster than you can say “HTML who?”

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U – Uplevel Ads 

Let’s dive into a simple front-end funnel for Chalene Johnson.

InstaClub Hub is Chalene’s low-ticket always open offer

The primary promotion method is a $7 for 14 days, then $47 per month offer.

This is an excellent approach to create urgency and a deadline for an open membership.

3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:

  • A strong opening hook is vital. The job of the hook is to capture your attention. If you are interested in Instagram, discovering the secrets of the big influencers will immediately reel you in. There are many types of hooks: pattern interrupts, questions, problem solution, curiosity, controversy, fun/clever, story, and value. Experiment with them all and see what works best for you.
  • After the hook, Chalene answers two big objections – I don’t have time, and the Instagram algorithm changes all the time. Your audience has objections. It may seem counterintuitive but if you don’t tackle their objections openly they won’t take action. The trick is to turn their objections into the reason why they must do what you are asking. In this case – the algorithm is always changing – That’s why we give 1 hour LIVE training every other week.
  • Clever use of the video cover screen. The video is entertaining and has lots going on to keep your attention. The most interesting thing about the video is how they position the frame with the social proof. This frame plays 85% through the video but they have also positioned this as the cover screen which means that’s the still image people will see.


N – Now Launching


3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:

  • A headline doesn’t get much clearer than this – Convert More Followers into Paying Customers and Build Your Business on Instagram® (All In Just 5 Minutes a Day!). It’s specific, it promises you’ll make more money, it speaks to a desired outcome, and it promises you’ll get all that in 5 minutes. How simple and beautiful.
  • Countdown timers create urgency. Everyone who lands on the page gets 10 minutes. Nothing happens after the countdown timer expires. 95% of people will never question it but will feel the pressure of the ticking clock. Makes sure all your promotions have deadlines that drive urgency.
  • A $7 dollar 14-day trial fits this offer well. Everyone will get a live call which if they attend I’m sure they will keep their membership. $47 per month is under the purchase and forget about the threshold. Many people will keep memberships like this on hand as an insurance policy just in case they need it in the future. I am not a big fan of free trials as it attracts tire kickers but tripwire-level flash sales are a good idea to test.



C – Conversion

Want to grow your online business… 

…but you’re tired of wasting money on Facebook ads

Here are 3 beginner mistakes you MUST avoid to succeed. 

Do you struggle to attract leads and make sales with Facebook ads? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many beginners make the same mistakes that cost them time and money. But fear not! I’m here to share the top solutions so you can kickstart your online business growth today!

Mistake 1: Forget what you’ve heard about targeting! Today’s Facebook ad strategy is all about broad targeting. Give Facebook’s AI a larger pool of people to pick from, and you’ll get better results.

Mistake 2: Experiment with multiple ad variations! Don’t limit yourself to just one ad when launching a campaign. Instead, create 3-4 ad variations for each Ad set. I like 2 copy variations and 2 image variations to start with 

Mistake 3: Choose the right ad objective! For lead generation, use the conversion objective to drive high-quality leads to your opt-in pages. Avoid using the traffic objective, which will drive low-quality traffic that doesn’t convert.

Now you know the top mistakes to avoid when getting started with Facebook ads. But guess what more knowledge won’t build your business. It’s time to take action and kickstart your online business growth today! 

H – Hot Take


Still think code and capital will get the job done…… but, if you have the audience, you can get the other two!

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