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L – Latest News
Instagram is keeping up with TikTok’s functionalities
With new discovery elements, merging of creative tools into the video composer screen, and insights into total and average watch time for Reels.
Facebook’s new AI-generated Stories feature is here
And it’s using image recognition AI to create new stories from your shared content. Let’s see if this AI-generated Stories feature will be a hit or a flop, but it’s worth an experiment, right?
Twitter’s Blue subscribers can now post 10,000-character-long tweets
This push for long-form writing comes as Elon Musk introduces creator monetization tools, allowing users to apply for monetization and offer subscriptions, with Twitter giving all money to creators for the next 12 months.
A – A.I. For Growth
Tired of spending hours scribbling notes after sales calls?
Say hello to Havana, the AI-powered app that generates call summaries and post-call emails faster than you can say “cha cha cha.” Sign up now and get ready to salsa your way to success!
Turn text into a cool video with this easy tool that even your grandma could use
Perfect for marketers, content creators, and anyone who wants to spice up their written content. See the magic happen for yourself!
Add this extension to Chrome and start running efficient meetings like a pro
Collaborate on agendas, get automatic meeting summaries, and share next steps all in one place. Plus, you can finally ditch that pesky notetaking and let Loopin do the heavy lifting for you.
U – Uplevel Ads
Dean Graziozi is a multiple New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and investor, best buddy of Tony Robbins, and one hell of a marketer.
Dean and Tony pulled off the biggest digital product launch in history in 2020 at the height of the pandemic with The Knowledge Business Blueprint.
This paved the way for Dean and Tony to launch Mastermind. Mastermind is an “all-in-one” online business-building platform and online business growth coaching product.
Let’s step inside Dean’s funnel for Mastermind, starting with his Facebook Ad:

3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:
- I like this opening – “Who else is looking for answers? Answers to the really hard questions, like -” Sure, it is vague, but it is curiosity building. Aren’t we all looking for answers? We want the opening lines of our ad to reel in our perfect-fit client. One powerful way to do this is to get them to answer a question and trigger a conversation in their head. Even getting your Perfect-Fit Client to say yes (or sometimes no) can lure them onto the edge of our slippery copy slope.
- Dean then brings them deep into what those “hard questions” are. Notice how nothing in the ad so far talks about building a course or selling a digital product. Dean goes right to the core desires and pain points. The questions that keep his Perfect-Fit Client awake at night – Protecting loved ones – Become the person we know we wanna be – To thrive instead of survive. He’s connecting with the ultimate outcome first. If you can show people you can read their minds, they will believe your solution will get them what they want.
- Your #1 mechanism for selling a SAAS Product is the free trial. Get people using your platform, and get them to invest time, effort, and energy in setting up and rolling out your solution. By the time it comes to the end of their free trial your goal is for their “sunk cost” effort to outweigh the monthly fee. Dean adds a brilliant twist. He charges $1. Dean is a direct-response marketer. He knows that people who go to the effort of pulling out their credit card will be more likely to follow through and take action. He also knows that it will trigger the principle of consistency, which means people who pay $1 will feel internal pressure to validate their initial commitment by signing up for membership. The icing on top. The $1 goes to charity. Who isn’t going to feel even better about themselves and the business they are dealing with when they are supporting a worthy cause through their actions.
N – Now Launching
Here is the above-the-fold section of Dean’s Mastermind $1 sales page. Make sure you download the swipe file and study the full page. Clean, simple, and filled with emotional and logical triggers.
3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:
- For simplicity to work, your messaging has to be on point. In the words of Mark Twain – “I apologize for such a long letter – I didn’t have time to write a short one.” The headline simply lays out the primary promise – “Everything You Need to Finally Sell What You Know”. It helps that the Mastermind founders are two of the best know people in the online business and personal development space. Of course, you are going to trust that they know what you need and that they have the plan to help you achieve that. We meer mortals may need to try a little harder!
- Talk about a knockout offer. You will give me access to “Everything I Need to Finally Sell What You Know”, worth over $4,022 per year, for 14 days for only $1, and that $1 will be donated to charity. How easy is that to say yes to?
- “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Ok Tony. I better sign up now. Sarcasm aside, how can your messaging set your audience up for action. We can’t all be the world’s number 1 personal development guru. Still, we can use positive and negative positioning and quotes to orientate people toward action.
- SWIPE FILE – 0045 – Dean Graziosi – Reg Page – $1 Trial
- SWIPE FILE – 0045 – Dean Graziosi – Reg Page – $1 Trial – Pop Up
C – Conversion Psychology
Cost Per Lead is an essential metric if you are selling digital products.
But most advertisers have no idea how much data is hidden in your CPL.
Unlocking this CPL optimization hack is your key to more profitable ads.
Let’s dive in….. 👇
CPL isn’t just about how much you pay for a lead – it’s a powerful diagnostic tool! Analyzing your CPL helps identify high-performing ads and untapped markets that could be your next goldmine! Here are 3 uncommon ways to crank up your CPL optimization.
CPL Magic Quadrant: Plot your ads on a 2×2 matrix (CPL vs volume). Quadrants reveal insights:
Q1: High CPL & High Volume ➡️ Optimize efficiency
Q2: Low CPL & High Volume ➡️ Top-performers!
Q3: High CPL & Low Volume ➡️ Revamp or pause
Q4: Low CPL & Low Volume ➡️ Scale for ROI
The CPL Ceiling: Ever wondered how much you should pay for a lead? Identify your CPL ceiling – the max CPL you can afford while maintaining profitability. Monitor your ads and tweak them to stay below the ceiling, ensuring your campaigns remain profitable!
Geographical CPL: Breaking down CPL by region can be a game-changer! Identify locations with low CPL but high lead quality. Optimize your ads to target these areas, making your ad spend more efficient and expanding your brand’s reach!
RECAP: CPL can be your secret weapon! Unlock its potential by using the CPL Magic Quadrant, identifying your CPL Ceiling, and leveraging Geographical CPL. Apply these unconventional tips, and watch your Facebook Ads generate more leads than ever before!
H – Hot Take
Pick your problems wisely. It’s better to solve one very particular and painful problem for a small group than try to solve many minor problems for a large group of people.
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