Maximizing High-Ticket Sales with Paid Virtual Events

Discover how to maximize high-ticket sales using paid virtual events. Learn effective Facebook ad strategies, including the AIDA framework, to attract and convert your perfect-fit clients.
Maximizing High-Ticket Sales with Paid Virtual Events

Here's what we have for you today


Facebook ads for High-Ticket Offers with the AIDA Framework

A 3-day virtual event is one of the best ways to sell a high ticket offer. Now, definitions vary, but I classify high ticket as anything over $3,000.

As you ask your audience to commit 3-days of their lives to the process, offering the event for free will devalue the experience. To make sure you attract your perfect-fit clients the standard practice is to charge between $99 and $299 for the event. You can also upsell a VIP package for an addition $49 to $199.

And that is exactly what Christian Mickelsen is launching this month.

Let’s dive into his Facebook ad:


3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:

  • Great application of the A.I.D.A copywriting approached used in this ad. A.I.D.A is one of the simplest and long standing copywriting approach but it’s one that I use everytime I sit down to draft copy. If you haven’t brushed up on your A.I.D.A in a while here is a great blog post from Neville Medhora – A.I.D.A
  • One of the best way to grab people’s attention is to call out an problem or pain point they are experiencing. “Do you feel like you’re struggling to attract clients for your coaching business?” This is such a good opening line. 1) It calls out the avatar, 2) It calls out their #1 top of mind issue, 3) The addition of “feel” makes it less confrontational than – “Are you struggling to attract clients”.
  • Once you have captured their attention you want to stoke interest. A great way of doing this is to connect with them through a positive compliment – “As a coach, you have a skill, talent, or gift that can make a huge difference in people’s lives.” Stroking someones ego is a great way to get them interested in reading further.

Facebook Ad Swipe File

Boosting Sales Page Conversion for Course Creators


3 Elements To Inspire Your Landing Pages:

  • David Ogilvy (if you don’t know who he is…look him up!) said – “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. Christian has a nice twist on a powerful headline formula – How to get {primary desire} even if {reasons people think it won’t work for them}. Another version of this headline formula is How to get {primary desire} without {primary pain}
  • Give them what they want – You’ll leave with a proven action plan for getting clients consistently and transforming your coaching business. Personally I am not a fan of using the word “transformation”. Yes we want to promise transformation but it’s much more powerful when we can pain the picture of what the specific transformation is for our audience. “Exponentially Grow Your Coaching Business – While Working A Fraction Of The Time” is painting the transformation. More of this please Christian!
  • If in doubt just tell people you will show them how to use A.I. Shut up…take my credit card. No copywriting skills needed!

Offer Page Swipe File


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