Crafting Irresistible Facebook Ad Copy

Not getting the results you want from your Facebook ads? Your ad copy might be to blame. In this post, we’ll give you three tips to write better Facebook ads that grab attention and get people to click through to your landing page or website. 

Good ad copy is persuasive, emotional, and uses strong verbs. It’s also clear about what your Perfect-Fit Client will get if they take action. For example, if you’re selling an online course on how to start a successful blog, your ad copy might look something like this: 

Are you tired of struggling to make money blogging? Learn how to start a successful blog with our new online course.” 

This ad copy is persuasive because it speaks directly to a problem that your target audience is facing. It’s emotional because it taps into their frustration and feelings of failure. And it uses strong verbs—”learn,” “start”—that convey the benefits of taking action. Finally, it’s clear about what your Perfect-Fit Client will get if they take the course—knowledge about how to start a successful blog. 

1. Use emotion-evoking language. 

In a world where we are bombarded with marketing messages 24/7, it can be hard to cut through the noise and get your message heard. That’s why it’s more important than ever to use emotion-evoking language in your digital marketing. When you can tap into the emotions of your target audience, you’ll be able to create a connection with them that will encourage them to take action.

What is Emotion-Evoking Language?

Emotion-evoking language is any type of language that elicits an emotional response from the reader or viewer. This can be done with words, images, or even video. When used effectively, emotion-evoking language can be a powerful tool for getting people to take notice of your message and take action. 

Why Use Emotion-Evoking Language? 

The reason emotion-evoking language is so effective is because it bypasses the rational part of the brain and speaks directly to the emotional part. We make most of our decisions based on emotion, not logic, so when you can tap into those emotions, you’ll be more likely to get the desired response from your target audience. 

How to Use Emotion-Evoking Language 

When using emotion-evoking language in your digital marketing, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First, it’s important to know your audience and what kinds of emotions they are most likely to respond to. Second, you’ll want to use emotion-evoking language sparingly and only when it feels natural. If you overdo it, it will come across as contrived and phony. And lastly, make sure your message is still relevant and helpful even without the emotional appeal. If it isn’t, then no amount of emotionally charged language is going to save it. 

2. Speak directly to your target audience’s pain points. 

If you’re an online course creator, membership site owner, or online coach, then you know that speaking directly to your Perfect-Fit Client’s pain points is essential to your success. After all, your target audience is not interested in what you have to say unless you can show them how your message will address their specific pain points. Fortunately, there are a few tried-and-true ways to do this. 

Speak Their Language

The first step to addressing your Perfect-Fit Client’s pain points is to speak their language. This means using the same terminology that they use to describe their problem. For instance, if your target audience is struggling with anxiety, don’t use clinical terms like “panic disorder.” Instead, use the term “anxiety” so that they can easily identify with what you’re saying. 

In addition to using the same terminology, it’s also important to avoid jargon and industry speak. Remember, you’re speaking to regular people who just happen to be experiencing a particular problem. So make sure that your language is clear and easy for them to understand. 

Get Specific

Once you’ve established common ground by speaking their language, it’s time to get specific about their pain points. This means going beyond generalities and describing exactly what they’re struggling with. 

For example, let’s say that your target audience is small business owners who are struggling to get more customers through the door. In addition to attracting new customers, they may also be struggling with customer retention, declining sales, and slim profit margins. 

To address these specific pain points, you might talk about the importance of creating a customer loyalty program or offer a discount for referrals. By getting specific about their pain points, you’ll show them that you understand exactly what they’re going through and that you have a solution that can help them overcome their challenges. 

Offer a Solution 

Of course, simply identifying your Perfect-Fit Client’s pain points isn’t enough; you also need to offer a solution. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, it can be as simple as providing valuable information that they can use to improve their situation. 

For example, if your target audience is stay-at-home moms who are struggling with the boredom and isolation of being at home all day with the kids, you might provide a list of activities that they can do with their kids or suggest ways to connect with other moms in similar situations. The key is to provide them with information that they can immediately put into action so that they can start seeing results right away. 

3. Use strong verbs that convey the benefits of taking action. 

The headline of your Facebook ad is important, but it’s not the only thing that potential customers will see. The copy in your ad is also crucial in determining whether or not people will take the next step and click through to your website or landing page. That’s why it’s important to choose your words carefully and to use strong verbs that convey the benefits of taking action.

The Benefits of Strong Verbs

When you use strong verbs in your Facebook ad copy, you’re more likely to grab people’s attention and get them to take action. Strong verbs convey a sense of urgency and importance, and they can be especially effective in ads that are time-sensitive (like launches or limited-time offers). In addition, using strong verbs can help make your ad copy more concise and impactful. Here are some examples of strong verbs that you can use in your Facebook ads: 

  • “Discover” 
  • “Uncover” 
  • “Reveal” 
  • “Harness” 
  • “Utilize” 
  • “Enjoy” 
  • “Create” 
  • “Build” 
  • “Achieve” 
  • “Explore” 

Each of these verbs conveys a different benefit, so be sure to choose the one that best fits your offer. For example, if you’re selling an online course, you might use the verb “grab” to convey the benefit of getting access to the course content immediately. Or if you’re running a sale, you might use the verb “save” to highlight the savings that potential customers will enjoy by taking action. Experiment with different verbs until you find the ones that work best for your offer and your audience.  

Asking your audience to “learn” about your new course is far weaker than asking them to “discover” it. The word “learn” suggests that they already know they need what you’re offering, whereas “discover” implies that there’s something new and exciting to be found. This small change in wording can make a big difference in whether or not someone clicks on your ad.

Similarly, inviting someone to “join” your membership site is much less enticing than inviting them to “explore” it. The word “join” has a lot of negative connotations, whereas “explore” is infinitely more positive and suggests that there’s something waiting to be discovered. Again, this small tweak can result in more people clicking on your ad and checking out your site. 

Finally, telling someone they can “achieve” their goals with your help is much more motivating than telling them you can help them “attempt” to achieve their goals. The word “attempt” implies that there’s a chance of failure, whereas “achieve” implies that success is all but guaranteed. No one wants to feel like they’re setting themselves up for failure, so using stronger language here can make a big difference in getting people to click through to your website or sign up for your coaching program. 

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