Post-Webinar Sales Page Strategies for Your Next Launch

Sales page optimization

Grant brings an energy and enthusiasm to his webinar that is hard to beat.


We may roll our eyes at his message and his brash style, but his audience loves him and hangs on every word he says.


He has an infectious confidence. 


He believes 110% in his own abilities and his ability to get you the result you want.


By the time the sales page link is shared at the end of the webinar, he knows there are people who are ready to buy.


And if you have people you know are ready to buy the last thing you should do is make them work to do so.


And that’s why I believe Grant’s upside-down sales page works.


When drafting a traditional sales page, we want to bring people on a journey.


On a journey from objection-filled, disinterested, skeptic to enthusiastic buyer.


On a traditional sales page, we map that journey as:

  1. Position
  2. Problem
  3. Pain
  4. Prescription
  5. Pivot
  6. Product
  7. Product Details
  8. Price
  9. Promotion
  10. Purchase Details  


You can see here Product Details and Price are right at the bottom.


Grant flips the script on this, placing these two items at the very top of the page.


This would be disastrous if Grant were sending cold traffic to the sales page.


They would make their decision based on cost alone.


However, as he has whipped his audience into a frenzy during the webinar, it makes sense to put it front and center.


And remember, they have already seen the offer block and the price on the webinar.


And look how he stacks the value further down the page in the pricing section:

Sales page optimization for online courses

Positioning the done-for-you option so close in pricing to the do-it-yourself option will push the majority of purchases to the higher price option.

We can achieve the opposite effect by making the done-for-you option $1,497.

In this case, $1,497 would provide a positive price anchor for $497 and make it seem even better value.

This is definitely a sales page to study in full for your next offer:

Sales Page Swipe Files

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