Optimizing Your Book-a-Call Funnel for Conversions

The ad above leads people into a book-a-call funnel for Aleric’s YouTube Ads coaching program.


Let’s start off with the opt-in page.


Simple single-screen structure with all info above the fold.


Headline, body copy, form, image, and CTA. AKA my favorite layout.

Remember, the goal is to get qualified people to book a call.


Including the phone number and industry will reduce the on-page conversion, but it will increase the quality of people entering the funnel.


I love the “Free Bonus Gift”. 


Remember, people don’t know they have entered a book-a-call funnel.


Aleric positions the call as the free bonus. This is a wonderful reframe, which will work a treat. 


On the next page, Aleric tells you the Free Bonus is worth $850. 


He doesn’t disclose this on the landing page, as he doesn’t want people who are only interested in getting $850 of free stuff.


Remember, people don’t know that the free bonus is a strategy call yet.


On the final step of the funnel Aleric tells you what your $850 free bonus is….


….A YouTube Ads Implementation Call with an Advisor.


At this stage, Aleric has 

From Step 1:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Mobile
  • Business type


From Step 2:

  • Current monthly revenue
  • Desired monthly revenue
  • Monthly ad spend

Even if people don’t book a call at this stage, they have more than enough info to follow up and make a compelling case for you to sign up for their coaching program.


Oh wait…… I have to dash…… my phone is ringing…. I wonder who it could be!

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