Mastering the Art of Upselling in Book Launches


This is the above-the-fold screen grab of Amy Porterfield’s Side Hustle Success Path Free Masterclass. This is part of Amy’s, Two Weeks Notice book launch.

To support her book launch, Amy created a low-ticket, but comprehensive online course called the Side Hustle Starter Kit. 

Two thumbs up for this strategy as it will serve as a bonus and an upsell profit maximizer on book sales. 

It also serves as a way to capture the email addresses of people who buy the book from retail outlets and online stores. This will allow Amy to proactively build her audience through her book sales and maximize the LTV of book purchasers.

What to copy:

  • I love simple, clean opt-in pages. Amy follows the formula here. Pre-head > headline > 1-2 lines body copy > CTA.
  • Notice how small the logo is. Even though Amy is a big brand, the logo is tiny and does not distract from the one and only action people should take on this page
  • In all the tests we have run, removing the logo has increased conversions, especially if they are more prominent.
  • I love the CTA in the top header. Eye-tracking experiments have shown that almost all visitors to the page will scan that second of the page immediately. It is arguable that the only reason they included the logo on the left side was to fill the space in the head to facilitate the CTA. If that is the case, I am on board 👍.
  • The pre-head immediately connects with the pain – “undervalued & overwhelmed”. This is the purpose of avatar research. It is less important to know the age and demographics of your audience than to know how they feel disrespected and their primary pain point.
  • Amy is a “positive marketer”, but look how she introduces the pain subtly.
  • The body copy packs punch – 5 Signs You’re Ready to Start a Side Hustle – Use of odd number between 3 – 7 ✅. She is clear on the audience for this Masterclass. Don’t fudge the lines. Pick a specific persona and answer their big concerns
  • …for more Flexibility, Financial Freedom, and Fun. Illeteration and rythming works. Anywhere you an work it into your copy do. People love it.
  • …(Even If You’re short on Time and Have No Idea Where to Start). This is a great framework for opt-in pages and copy in general. (Get something big your really want) without (big objection or thing that’s holding you back)
  • If you are not testing a professionally taken photo of you on your opt-in pages you should be.​​

What we’d test:

  • The CTA buttons are weak. We would test making them more prominent in size and colour
  • The CTA phrase “Save My Seat” could be improved. In tests we have found that transformative CTA’s get a higher conversion reate – Start Your Side Hustle →
  • There is no urgency in the body CTA. We would test including words like “Now” and “Today”
  • A sticky header. Having the “Save My Seat” button in the header is great. We would test making the header sticky so when you scroll down you always have an option to register.
  • Urgency is missing from the opt-in page. This is a pre-recorded masterclass but people still need a reason to act now. We would test adding some reason for people to register today.
  • The opt-in form converts everything to upper case. This is only a small element, however, this may lead to some drop off in conversions. A common belief amongst people is that capital letters make a difference when in email addresses. People will try to uncapitalize them. This is an unnecessary friction. We would revert to lower case

You can download the landing page for your swipe file here: 

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