Demystifying a $1 Trial Mastermind Landing Page

  • Here is the above-the-fold section of Dean’s Mastermind $1 sales page. Make sure you download the swipe file and study the full page. Clean, simple, and filled with emotional and logical triggers.


3 Elements To Inspire Your Ad Campaigns:


  • For simplicity to work, your messaging has to be on point. In the words of Mark Twain – “I apologize for such a long letter – I didn’t have time to write a short one.” The headline simply lays out the primary promise – “Everything You Need to Finally Sell What You Know”. It helps that the Mastermind founders are two of the best know people in the online business and personal development space. Of course, you are going to trust that they know what you need and that they have the plan to help you achieve that. We meer mortals may need to try a little harder!


  • Talk about a knockout offer. You will give me access to “Everything I Need to Finally Sell What You Know”, worth over $4,022 per year, for 14 days for only $1, and that $1 will be donated to charity. How easy is that to say yes to?


  • “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Ok Tony. I better sign up now. Sarcasm aside, how can your messaging set your audience up for action. We can’t all be the world’s number 1 personal development guru. Still, we can use positive and negative positioning and quotes to orientate people toward action.


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