Optimize Your Facebook Ads for Mini Offer Success

Optimize Your Facebook Ads for Mini Offer Success

Optimize Your Facebook Ads for Mini Offer Success

Unlock the potential of your Facebook ads by optimizing them for mini offer success. Discover key strategies to enhance conversion rates and maximize your ROI on mini offer campaigns.
Optimize Your Facebook Ads for Mini Offer Success

Here's what we have for you today


The problem with direct-to-offer ads

Do you always need to run ads to a lead magnet?


No, absolutely not.


But if you’re running cold traffic to a paid offer, you better have your ducks in a row!


Here at LAUNCH, we love front-end mini products.


The method we teach our students looks something like this:


Ad > Lead Magnet Opt-In > Mini Product Upsell > Profit Maximising Upsell


The beauty of this model is if someone doesn’t purchase the upsell, you still get their email.


Think of an email address as an asset.


Even if you don’t make money straight off the bat, you’ve got plenty more opportunities.


Driving paid traffic to a cold offer is a much more challenging play.


Even if your offer page converts at 10%, 90% of people slip through the net.


And remember a 10% conversion rate on an offer page is off the charts.


On the other hand, a high-converting opt-in page could convert 60%-70% of visitors.


So why would someone consider sending cold traffic to an opt-in page?


Well, by simplifying the funnel and process, you make it easy for people to buy.


And with a direct offer, you can tailor your ad copy to the offer. 


This will result in a higher conversion rate than when we make the offer on the lead magnet upsell page.


My advice for mini products is to test and optimize your offer, driving people to a lead magnet first.


Once you see a strong upsell conversion rate, test sending people directly to the offer page. 

Your high-converting ad copy framework

Speaking of Meta ads directly to mini offers, let’s look at an ad from Colin Boyd.


The opening hook is what we refer to as a “bold statement.”


Does every successful coach know they need a signature story?


I’d doubt it, but if you are a coach and you see this, you will be intrigued.


I love the use of caps in “super” and “need”. 


It’s a pattern interrupt that instantly draws attention to the ad.


The second line explains why a signature story is important. 


It sets the stakes for the reader. What’s at risk?


The pitfall follows the risk. The hazard that’s hiding in plain view. 


This is classic storytelling. 


In our AIDA framework, Colin has ticked the first two boxes – Attention & Interest.


Objections don’t just prevent people from buying your offers.


They also prevent people from engaging with your content and ads.


I don’t see this very often, but I love how Colin calls out 3 big objections in this ad.


Often, people are afraid to call out objections.


But calling them out has the direct opposite impact you think it might.


It shows people you understand them. 


And, it shows that you’ve thought about where they are and the challenges they face.


We’ll definitely be testing this copy strategy across our ad accounts this week. 


And finally, we have the call to action.

Colin works in the transformation nicely here.

The ad contains all the necessary elements to get people to take action.

Here’s a nice ad copy framework for you to take away and test this week:

Hook > Stakes > Pitfalls > Solution > Objections > Transformation > CTA

But for the love of all that is good, please pay attention to your url’s.


Is just LAZY. Come on Colin!

It’s visible in your ad. Anything else will do…..

  • /craft-your-conversion-story
  • /my-conversion-story
  • /get-started
  • /find-your-story

Facebook Ad Swipe Files

A simple but effective sales page format

So, let’s take a look at Colin’s offer.

Structurally, this is a very simple sales page built in Clickfunnels.


Colin’s 13-minute VSL does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the sale.


It’s a $47 offer with a $27 offer bump and a $297 one-time offer.


The primary promise is clear:  

How to sell people into your programs using your conversion story.

He uses the [Primary Promise] without [Primary Frustration] headline format.

Colin also shows that you don’t need to worry about long headlines. 

At 29 words in the primary headline and 10 in the sub-headline this is a mouthfull

Colin relies heavily on social proof from a lot of the “big” names in the online world.

The offer page is short (or comparably short to a lot of the pages we review).

But I like it. Even in its shortened form, it ticks all the boxes.

  • Connect
  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Your Solution
  • Bonuses
  • Transformation
  • Objections
  • Price reveal
  • FAQ’s

The only thing I don’t see is a guarantee, which is unusual but perfectly acceptable with a low-ticket offer.

Sales Page Swipe Files