sales page optimization

Sales Page Optimization – How Not to Write a Dull Sales Page

Sales Page Optimization – How Not to Write a Dull Sales Page

sales page optimization

The gateway to unlocking unparalleled conversions and turning casual visitors into loyal customers is through sales page optimization. Brain Academy are using a simple (but challenging) Facebook ad > Mini-Product funnel.

For a $37 product this is not unheard of.

However, it puts a massive premium on the offer and your offer page copy.

You need to be elite-level to get this to work.

Unfortunately, like the previous steps, this offer page shows a lot of common mistakes infomarketers make. 

Sales Page Optimization Tip 1:

Don’t include general navigation on your sales page

This is a massive no-no.

The header section is a valuable space.

The #1 thing you need to include is a big buy now button.

You can include links, but make sure they are links to sections within the sales page.

Leading people away from the sales page back to the home page or about us page is a recipe for killing your conversion rates.

Sales Page Optimization Tip 2:

Don’t fluff the headline

$0.80 of your $1 is spent on your headline.

Brain Academy falls into the trap of talking about the vehicle rather than 

  1. i) the problem they solve or 
  2. ii) the ultimate promise they help people achieve.

I’m not going to repeat myself from the ad review section but despite telling people what the product does there is no away from or toward motivation imparted.

There is nothing for potential customers to get excited about and no reason for them to keep reading.


Sales Page Optimization Tip 3:

Don’t have a weak (and buried) primary promise

Somewhere down the page we finally come to the primary promise.

But unfortunately, it’s as weak as a 3-second dipped tea bag.

“Take life back into their own hands”

People want to be inspired. They want to imagine themselves as the heroes of their own story.

They need specifics about what their life will be like once they are endowed with their new superpower. 

But they are lazy. They can’t imagine it for themselves. They need you to spell it out.

They need to know how much, by when, and how they can get a guaranteed result with as little work as possible.

This might sound like direct marketer speak, but it is true.

And your offer needs to be designed from the ground up so you can make these claims


Sales Page Optimization Tip 4:

Don’t turn people off buying with dull module titles

If you don’t turn every module title into a curiosity-inducing, excitement-building, benefit-laden knock-out reason to buy, don’t list them on your sales page.

Unfortunately, this is a feature of teachable that I get all my clients to switch off immediately.

Seriously who is going to buy – “Scope of this course” or “neuroplasticity-sensorial-motoric-exercises”

No one wants to sit through hours of video. 

They want the greatest possible result, in the shortest possible time frame, with the least possible effort.

For titles to be inspiring they need to promise a big win.

That is what the person will be able to do when they have learned this skill or technique.

Implementing a robust sales page optimization strategy is not just about increasing conversions; it’s a dynamic process that involves understanding your audience, refining your messaging, and continually adapting to market trends. By prioritizing user experience, A/B testing, and data-driven insights, you can fine-tune your sales page to resonate with your target audience and maximize your business’s potential for sustained success.

Sales Page Swipe Files



Optimizing ChatGPT for Direct Response Mastery

Optimizing ChatGPT for Direct Response Mastery


ChatGPT is a horrible copywriter. There I’ve said it. However, it is an amazing impersonator that can help you easily unlock the art of direct response mastery.

Next time you are asking ChatGPT for copy, give it a famous copywriter to mimic.

Let’s say you are asking ChatGPT to draft a headline for your opt-in page.

Set your ChatGPT prompt up as normal. Here’s the previous library to choose from:

Then ask ChatGPT to refine the headlines in the voices of one of the direct response greats.

Here’s my go to list:

  • Eugene Schwartz
  • Gary Halbert
  • Joseph Sugarman
  • Claude Hopkins
  • David Ogilvy
  • Bob Bly
  • Clayton Makepeace
  • John Carlton
  • Ben Settle
  • Todd Brown
  • Jeff Walker
  • Dan Kennedy
  • Brian Kurtz

It’s scary to see how well ChatGPT can ape the voices of these copywriters.

The style and tone might not be right for your audience, but it is cool to see the different slants put on each headline by these legends of Direct Response Mastery.


Lead gen mistakes

Lead Gen Mistakes – How Not to Generate Leads

Lead Gen Mistakes – How Not to Generate Leads

This week instead of teaching by example I am going to show you the lead generation mistakes to avoid.

Normally L.A.U.N.C.H. features a big-name marketer with a funnel to die for. They have killer hooks, awesome ads, seductive opt-in pages, and A+ offer pages. I do the analysis and give you 3-7 key elements you can implement in your funnel to reduce your lead generation cost per lead and  increase your conversion rates and ultimately make more $$$$’s.

There I was searching for a killer funnel to review when an ad popped up – 

  • Learn how to rewire your brain

As a marketer I am obsessed with psychology and the brain so I was instantly hooked.

Into the funnel, I dove. 

On the surface, it looked the part. 

But the further I explored, the more cracks I discovered 

It was then I realized this is the poster child for KnowledgeCom funnel mistakes.

So let’s get stuck in.

Lead gen mistakes

Now this opt-in page is not part of the funnel, but it is available as a link from the hero section of the website’s home page.

Lead generation tip 1

If you’re launching an opt-in page please make sure it’s on your domain.

In this case, we can see they are using ConvertKit to host their opt-in page.

If you are going to invest in ads please make sure you spend the 10 minutes setting it up so your opt-in pages display on a custom domain, to make sure you increase your lead generation success rate.

It’s a small thing but these little things mount up.

ConvertKit is okay as a starting platform, but it is very limited

ConverKit has taken the creator world by storm. 

Having worked with a number of clients who use ConvertKit, its landing page templates are limited and it doesn’t have a build-from-scratch option.

Before you invest in ads, invest in a landing page builder that is fit for purpose.

Lead generation tip 2

Formatting is important

The headline shows promise – 7 things about the brain I wish I knew When I was younger.

This is a variation of the popular Twitter kook- 

  • 7 things I know at 40 about the brain I wish I knew at 20

But for the love of god, please watch the capitalisation of your headline. 

Either go with proper caps or all first letter caps. Don’t just stick one random capital letter into the headline.


Lead generation tip 3

Making it about your prospect

I’m into Neuroplasticity. 

I’m interested in it, but I don’t care about it. I care about what it will help me do.

I care about it because it will help me learn and adapt quickly.

But that isn’t why I really care about it. 

I care about it because it will make me a better guitar player and business person.

It will help me make more money. 

It will help me achieve my goals faster and give me more time to sit on the beach sipping a pina colada (if that’s what you are into!)

This opt-in page leaves me completely cold.

I don’t know who Gregory Caremans is, and I don’t care about his journey.

When someone looks at your ad, all that is going through their head is…..

What’s in this for me? 

How does this solve a major pain point for me right now? 

How will my life be better once I have this?

They don’t care about Gregory’s stagnations and regressions.

In the words of Jerry Maguire, “Show me the money”

Opt-in Page Swipe Files



Facebook Lookalike Audiences – How to scale your business

Facebook Lookalike Audiences – How to scale your business



Wish you could clone your best customers…so you can scale your online course or membership business? Well here are 3 simple steps to do just that with Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Scaling your ad campaigns shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth. How does Facebook lookalike audience work? With Lookalike Audiences, you tap into Facebook’s AI to find users who look most like your current customers. Here are Facebook lookalike audience best practices to help you get started today!

Step 1 for Creating lookalike audiences on Facebook

Define your “source audience.” Export your customers list. The more detail you have the better. Include purchase value amount as well as their contact details. This helps Facebook identify and prioritize them based on their spend.

Step 2 for Creating lookalike audiences on Facebook

Create your Facebook Lookalike Audiences. Upload your customer list as a custom audience. Once uploaded select your custom audience and create a lookalike audience. A lookalike is a certain percentage of a selected population that looks most like your customer list.

Step 3 for Creating lookalike audiences on Facebook

Launch your Campaign. Your Lookalike audience is based on customers but it is a cold audience. They may not know you, your solution or even the problem you solve. Bring them on a journey and give them everything they need to commit to taking action.

In general Facebook Lookalike audiences may not be as powerful as they once were. Having said that in our client accounts we are still getting high ROAS from value based Lookalike audiences. This is one of our go to audiences that we test in every campaign we launch.



sales page conversion

A super sales page conversion boosting web app

A super sales page conversion boosting web app

sales page conversion

Dive into Amy Porterfield’s high-converting sales page layout and explore the secrets behind a super-effective sales page conversion strategy. Amy has a defined offer page layout, and I am a big fan.

Easy on-page navigation at the top. 

Very prominent Enrol Now button in the header.  

Image to the left. Headline, Subhead, and hero body to the right.

But what I really love and you should check out today is a widget in the middle of the offer page:

Look for the section: Calculate How Long It Will Take To See Your Subscribers Tick Up


Depending on how many hours you can dedicate a week you can move the slider.


As you do the “You’ll be finished in” time changes.


As well as being a really cool web app. This is a very powerful psychological mechanism.


It puts the power and results of the program in the hands of the user.


The question is no longer will I get a result from this program.


The result is guaranteed. The only variable is the amount of time I put into it.


It also tells me that I can take the program in my own time. 


This is especially important as we approach Christmas.


I also love how Amy has worded her payment plan:

  • Buy Now + Pay Monthly
  • Buy Now + Get An Extra Bonus

This is likely to save her lots of time and energy dealing with refund requests or payment plan stoppage requests and will increase her sales page conversion rate.

Sales Page Swipe Files


5 Steps to Grow Your Online Course or Membership Business

5 Steps to Grow Your Online Course or Membership Business



I avoided these like the plague for years.

Now they are some of my best-performing Facebook ads.

The Facebook gurus are going to hate me for this…

But if you want to grow your online course or membership business…

….you need to check these out…..

If you want to reduce your cost per lead and run more profitable Facebook ads, dynamic creative is a game-changer. Dynamic creative ads, give the Facebook algorithm the power to mix and match creative elements to personalize ads for and individual user.

Step 1: Build your copy assets. Draft 3 variations of body copy and 3 variations of headlines for your campaign. Make sure that the headlines are interchangeable with the body copy. All the normal copywriting best practices apply. Give people a compelling reason to act now. 

Step 2: Build your visual assets. Create 3 variations of images or videos that align with the copy and headlines created in Step 1. Your visuals should grab people’s attention so they pause for a second and read your headline. How can you stand out in a sea of sameness?

Step 3: Pick your dynamic combo. I’m a fan of the 3-3-2 method. We don’t want to give Facebook too many choices. Use any combo of assets in the ratio 3-3-2. 3 body copy, 3 headlines, and 2 images or 3 headlines, 3 images, and 2 body copy. 

Step 4: Build and launch your campaign. You will end up with one dynamic creative ad per ad set. You can have as many ad sets as you like. If you want to turbo-test your assets, you can run multiple ad sets with the same audience head to head.

Step 5: Track and optimize. Log into your ad account, select your campaign, open the ad set tab and then select Breakdown, and “By dynamic creative element”. This will display the results from each asset element. Create variations of the winners and repeat the process.


Membership Offer Page

Crafting an Irresistible Membership Offer Page

Crafting an Irresistible Membership Offer Page

Membership Offer Page

This is a Waitlist version of the offer page


What captured my attention on this offer page was the Success Path description.


Being a disciple of Stu McLaren, Patty was always going to have a strong success path.


But how she worked it into her offer page is sheer genius.


First we have the introduction:

Membership Offer Page

Memberships are a tough sell. You’re often asking people to sign up for an: 

  • undefined length of time
  • undefined amount of money
  • undefined outcome
  • undefined timeline to outcome


A success path brings specificity to what can otherwise be a very abstract offer.


Dream It – Plan It – Teach It – Grow It


Simple, but as a prospective member, I instantly know the path I will follow.


But then there is the real knockout punch:


Want to see the wins you’ll celebrate at each stage?


Many people struggle with making concrete promises for their membership.


Patty nails it in a very simple and easy to understand way:

Membership Offer Page
offer page

Avoid Common Pitfalls and Optimize Your Offer Page

Avoid Common Pitfalls and Optimize Your Offer Page

offer page

Avoid common pitfalls as we dissect Marisa Murgatroyd’s offer page, providing valuable insights for optimizing your own approach.

I hate the word “Skyrocket”. It’s meaningless waffle. 

It doesn’t give your audience any indication of the measure of the transformation possible.

Overall I am not a fan of the headline. 

It lacks any form of specificity or transformation. 

But weak headlines will be overcome when you have a large, loyal, well-primed and positioned audience.

I do love Marisa’s support and FAQ section at the very top of the page.

It’s clear one of the key questions they get is….”What is an Experience Product?”

As “experience product” is vague it makes sense to answer the question right away rather than leave it as an unanswered objection in the mind of your audience.

Offer Page Swipe Files:

ad to free workshop

Course Creator Strategies – Ad to Free Workshop

Course Creator Strategies – Ad to Free Workshop

ad to free workshop

Sometimes, it’s best just to give people all the information they need to decide up front.


There is an interesting touch here promoting two workshops per day over three days at different times.


This will maximise the number of people attending at least one of the sessions.


However, it may mean that fewer people will attend all three sessions.


I would love to see Marisa’s data on % of attendees who view all three sessions.


I love the simplicity of the ad format:

  • Hook (self-interest – your course sells)
  • Details (it’s convenient)
  • No. 1 reason you should attend
  • What you’ll learn
  • Why you should register now
  • CTA


Oh and just because you’ve delivered the workshops doesn’t mean you have to stop your ads.


The “Access All Areas” pass is a great reason to run ads to your opt-in up to the last day or two of your launch.

ad to free workshop

In fact often, these ads will perform better because of a sense of immediate gratification.

Facebook Ad Swipe Files:

Membership Offer Page

Membership Offer Page: Mastering Irresistible Sales Copy

Membership Offer Page: Mastering Irresistible Sales Copy

Membership Offer Page

Matthew’s excellent copy follows through to his membership offer page.


Simple and to the point. 

Promises his avatar the number 1 thing they want – a committed relationship.

Makes it sound simple – “What, there are only three steps?”

Provides a guarantee via a “formula”.

Highlights that people will get 3 free bonuses worth $447 when they sign up.

This is a great price anchor for a membership costing $69.95 per month or an annual sub costing $41 per month.

Membership Offer Page Swipe File:

SWIPE FILE – 0065 – Matthew Hussey – Membership offer page