Opt-In Page Strategy – A Closer Look at a Simple Opt-In Page

Opt-In Page Strategy – A Closer Look at a Simple Opt-In Page

  • Very simple above-the-fold opt-in page. You can see that most of the copy from the ad is featured on the opt-in page.

    Honestly, this is a little lazy. But hey, when you are Digital Marketer you can get away with things like this.

    The video used in the ad is also used on the opt-in page.

    It may be that the Facebook ad above is retargeting visitors to this page: https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/10-metrics-every-marketing-leader-should-be-tracking/

    …or other similar pages and blog categories. 

    Ok, so what’s so intelligent about this funnel.

    Well, that isn’t revealed until we click on the “Build Your Scorecard (free) >>” button.

    That’s when you are presented with some segmentation questions.


    Depending on which option you select you are redirected to a different thank you page.

    • One option goes to an Agency Accelerator program.
    • Two options go to a “Book a Call” page
    • One option goes to an upsell for an online course 

    You can view each thank you page in the swipe files below.

    If you have multiple offers at varying price points or you want to run a “Book a Call” funnel but only want to speak to the people who are suitable for your offer this is a great format to let people self-select the option that is best for them, and you.