Opt-in Page or Sales Page Headlines ChatGPT Prompt

Prompt Objective:


Create a high converting opt-in page or sales page headline.


Prompt Outline

Prompt Part 1:


I want you to act as an expert direct-response copywriter.


I am going to ask you to draft a series of high-converting opt-in or sales page headlines using a proven template.


Your goal is to maximize the on-page conversion rate.


I will provide data for the primary pain, desired outcome, and frustrations, but I want you to make copy suggestions based on your research and knowledge of my primary audience.


Here is your initial data:


{primary audience}:


{primary pain}:

{dream outcome}:


{time frame}:


{primary frustrations}:


Here is the headline format I want you to use when drafting your copy:

How {position primary audience} go from {primary pain} to {dream outcome} in just {time frame} without {primary frustrations}

Here is a sample headline drafted in the desired format:
How entrepreneurs and high-achieving professionals go from struggling with their drinking to effortless control in just 8 weeks—without giving up alcohol or relying on willpower


Please give me 20 headline variations to start with.


←end prompt→


Prompt Part 2:


Please redraft these headlines to:

  • highlight massive frustrations
  • Highlight dream outcomes
  • make them more emotive
  • increase the conversion rate


Please draft options in the voice, tone and style of:

  • Gary Halbert
  • David Ogivly
  • Eugene Schwartz
  • Dan Kennedy
  • Todd Brown

Here is a sample prompt I entered into ChatGPT.


I want you to act as an expert direct-response copywriter.


I am going to ask you to draft a series of high-converting opt-in or sales page headlines using a proven template.


Your goal is to maximize the on-page conversion rate.


I will provide data for the primary pain, desired outcome, and frustrations, but I want you to make copy suggestions based on your research and knowledge of my primary audience.


Here is your initial data:


{primary audience}: Online course creators and membership site owners


{primary pain}: they want to run profitable Facebook ads, but they are overwhelmed by the challenges of getting started or getting their ads and funnel to convert 


{dream outcome}: running profitable, high-converting, easy-to-run Facebook ad campagins


{time frame}: 8 weeks


{primary frustrations}: wasting time, wasting money, ad account shutdowns, spending years learning Facebook ads, 


Here is the headline format I want you to use when drafting your copy:

How {position primary audience} go from {primary pain} to {dream outcome} in just {time frame} without {primary frustrations}


Here is a sample headline drafted in the desired format:

How entrepreneurs and high-achieving professionals go from struggling with their drinking to effortless control in just 8 weeks—without giving up alcohol or relying on willpower


Please give me 20 headline variations to start with.

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