How a membership changed my life

How a membership changed my life

Here's what we have for you today

Back in 2015, my business was exhausting.

Every evening I shut the door, I knew I’d have to wake up and make more sales the next day. 

I was like a hunter going from kill to kill.

Sure, I had repeat clients, but I was continuously in sales mode.

That was until the day I launched my first membership.

That launch changed my life. 

And I’ve seen hundreds of my students and clients experience the same feeling when they launched their membership or subscription. 

Here’s why I believe memberships are the best way to grow your revenue and your profitability.

#1 Experience the joy of recurring revenue

There is no greater joy than selling once and getting paid over and over.

Recurring revenue gives you cash flow stability, certainty, and confidence. And even more importantly, it’s compounding. Every subscription or membership launch adds new sales to your past sales, which triggers compunding.

Compounding is the most powerful force you can harness in your business.

#2 Stop leaving money on the table

For every 100 people who buy from you, 20 would be happy to spend 5 times more.

This is the 80/20 law applied to sales. Most businesses don’t have a continuation offer to make to people willing to spend more. A membership or subscription is the perfect backend offer, increasing your customer lifetime value and your profitability.

With a membership or subscription, you always have a next-step offer for your best clients.

#3 Build a community around your business 

Community is the new hot topic in marketing and business growth.

There is no better way to build a community than around a membership or subscription. Not only is a community attractive for existing clients, but it will also bring new prospects into your world. So, your membership will act as a lead generation machine for your existing business.

Your clients are looking for a space to belong; give it to them.

I believe memberships today are to business, what websites were in the 1990’s.

Very few businesses have one…. 

….early adopters make a killing.

….and soon, every business will have one.


How To Figure Out If People Want Your Digital Product Before You Invest Time and Money Developing It

How To Figure Out If People Want Your Digital Product Before You Invest Time and Money Developing It

Here's what we have for you today

You have an idea for an online course or membership, but what if nobody buys it?

The last thing you want to do is invest valuable time, effort, and money in creating a program that no one buys.

I’ve helped hundreds of people launch their first online course and membership.

And this is the process I’ve used to help them to quickly figure out if their audience wants their digital product before they build it.

It’s called a founding member’s launch, and it’s the best way to profitably launch your first digital product without wasting money on building something people don’t want.

Here are 3 steps to deliver your founding member’s launch: 

Create your online course or membership outline.

Start by outlining the key modules of your course or your membership success path.

People need to know that you have a proven path they can follow. Your outline is the roadmap to their desired destination. You wouldn’t jump on a ship with a captain who didn’t know where they were going, nor would your audience.

Each step on the journey should be clear and should excite your audience.

Identify the transformation you can help people achieve

Next, describe your audience’s life when they implement your digital product.

What will they see, hear, do, and feel differently than they do today? While you can launch a digital product before you build it, you need to know your process works, and it will get them the results they want. Your job is to describe what the result looks like in the life of someone who has implemented your digital product.

Steps 1 and 2 are the foundation of your offer.

Offer access at a special founding members rate.

The final step is to launch our founding member offer.

Be clear with your audience that you intend to build the digital product with your founding members. Position it as a positive that you will seek their feedback and create content to answer their questions. In addition, they also get access to your course or membership at a much lower rate than people who buy in the future.

The founding member launch is a win-win all around.

Never invest in building a program before you find out if people want it.

Not alone could it be a giant waste of time, effort, and money.

But, it’s also doing a disservice to your students.

When you “build with” your founding members, you will discover many challenges and problems you never knew existed.

Using a founding member launch helps build a stronger digital product that will help future members achieve an even greater result faster.


High-Converting Sales Page Strategies for Course Creators

High-Converting Sales Page Strategies for Course Creators

Learn proven techniques to create high-converting sales pages that resonate with your audience and drive success for your online courses.

Onto this high-converting sales page.

Straight up, the headline is hard to read. 

You are better off with no hero image than one that interferes with your headline.

I’m going to give Nathania a break here. 

I narrowed the window width to screen grab the page.

However, testing your hero in various dimensions is important.

Your hero may look perfect on your desktop, but on smaller-resolution desktops or mobiles, it may look completely different.

I use this Chrome extension nearly every day:

It shows you what your landing page looks like in various formats. 

iPhone 13 View


MacBook Air View


24 Inch iMac View


My approach is design for mobile, and make sure you have a CTA above the fold on all devices.

On a sales page the CTA in the hero should bring people to the offer stack near the bottom of your sales page.

This makes sure potential customers have a good grasp of the value before they see the price.

Observations and tests I’d run:

  • This is a textbook sales page hero section. Specific tangible promise, linked to desirable transforamtion.
  • Countdown timer for deadline urgency
  • Social proof – 8,000 yogis fly upside down
  • Unique method – (I’d prefer if this was named) to get primary desire with primary frustrations.  
  • Check out the mobile view section under the video. I love “Gravity Panic” if you can label a fear your perfect-fit client has in a cool way they are going to instantly believe you will  be able to help them overcome their fear.
  • Video with a crazy face still frame will trigger people to press play just to see what is going on.

Sales Page Swipe Files:

offer page template

Offer page template for your next launch

Offer page template for your next launch

offer page template

Speaking of keeping things simple.

Here is an offer page hero template for your next launch. 

Introducing Your Complete A-Z {Your Topic} Roadmap

Get my proven, 5-step stress-busting system to {primary outcome} in just 30 days.

I love the phrase “5-step stress-busting” so much alliteration and consonance.

 Sales Page Swipe Files


Mobile Optimization

Mastering Mobile Optimization: Webinar Registration Page Design

Mastering Mobile Optimization: Webinar Registration Page Design

Mobile Optimization

Up to 80% of visitors to your opt-in pages will be on mobile.


If you want to succeed online today, you’ve gotta think mobile first. 


I’ve been banging on about this for years.


But this is the first time I’ve seen a double hero.


When I landed on Jenna’s (desktop) opt-in page, my first thought was… boy this is cluttered.


It wasn’t until I switched to mobile view that I saw the genius of what she had done.

Mobile Optimization

The top banner of the desktop page becomes the mobile above the fold section complete with.

  • Headline
  • Body Copy
  • CTA
  • Image
  • Scarcity (Countdown timer)

And then when the visitor scrolls, they have a second hero section.

One thing that stands out when looking at the desktop version is how little space you have on mobile.

Looks like we all better get good at saying a lot with as few words as possible!

Opt-in Page Swipe Files


course launch

Unconventional Course Launch Strategic Move Revealed

Unconventional Course Launch Strategic Move Revealed

Brave move here by Amy, counter to what 99% of the big names do. She has offered people free access to Module 1 of Digital Course Academy during her course launch.

course launch

Amy knows her content is top-notch, so she isn’t worried people will see it and not like it.


The risk is people will get in for free and then get stuck in implementation mode or get overwhelmed before the cart closes.


Obviously, Amy has thought about this, so I would imagine that she has moved most of her old Pre-Launch Content into Module 1 or made this module heavily mindset-focused.


This is the first time I’ve seen a big-name launcher do this, so hat tip to Amy.


She is a model for trying new shit. I’d love to see this crush for her.


I’m not the biggest fan of Amy’s Offer Page headline.

It is generic and bland. 

Now don’t get me wrong, Amy’s launch will gross over $5,000,000.

But she and her team are copy geniuses, and I expect more.

Revenue simplified doesn’t mean anything.

And people don’t lie awake at night in pain wondering how they will “untie their earnings from their hours”

Yes, I know the point they are going for that that isn’t how people would talk about the problem they are facing.

But hey, when you’ve put in the pre-work with your audience and build anticipation and desire with a killer Bootcamp and Masterclass, your headline doesn’t have to shoulder all the burden of conversion. 

Swipe File:

challenge opt-in upsell

Challenge Opt-in Upsell – The Next Logical Step For Your Clients

Challenge Opt-in Upsell – The Next Logical Step For Your Clients

challenge opt-in upsell

Instead of the traditional VIP package Marisa has gone with an upsell the impeccably named:
Instant Clarity Toolkit.

Not everyone wants to pay for extra calls and call recordings, but who wouldn’t want help with the most critical and challenging parts of coming up with their course idea?

I don’t think pricing this at $7 or $17 would affect the upsell conversion rate.

This is a beautifully aligned offer that encourages little step after little step in a logical and throughout way.

Challenge Opt-in Upsell Swipe Files:


Opt-in Page Masterpiece – From Lead to Launch

Opt-in Page Masterpiece – From Lead to Launch


The headline is far from the strongest proposition.


“Get the A.I. Edge… In Just One Click”


I don’t know what the A.I. edge is, and while one click tells me it is easy, it’s not either my:

  1. My primary fear/pain/challenge
  2. My #1 goal/dream/ambition


The fact that the topic is A.I. will more than make up for this, and the rest of the copy is sweet.

The subhead is where the magic kicks in. 


I’d love to see a test using the first line as the headline and changing the second line to – Get your proven….


Jeff delivers the A.I. Launch Playbook on the thank you page.


This is an interesting deviation from standard practice. 


If I was reading between the lines, they value the consumption of the lead magnet over inbox placement.


This may be because they plan to retarget opt-ins with ads to register for the upcoming masterclass, but they want to make sure people have consumed the lead magnet in advance.


Swipe File:


High-Converting Mini-Product Offer Page Template

High-Converting Mini-Product Offer Page Template

Mini-Product Offer Page

Here’s the above-the-fold section of the $47 sales page for the 14-day chord challenge. 


Let’s start with the name – 5 Minute Guitar.


People are lazy. 


They want you to guarantee their wildest dreams will come through, immediately without any work.


I love 5 Minute Guitar. The unspoken promise is clear. 


Your guitar dreams can come through doing just 5 minutes of practice.


The core premise of the ad is reflected on the sales page – slow and buzzy chords.


This is an important point. 


As you optimize your ads, you may find a mismatch between your ads and your landing page.

Make sure you keep the messaging aligned on both once you find your winning ad.


When you focus on a specific problem, it makes writing headlines easy.


“Confidently play with accurate, fast chord changes in just 14 days.“


The claim in the headline is then backed up in the subhead…


…“step-by-step system”….. “the ultimate practice routine”.


This puts people at ease that there is a proven path to follow. And that they can get the promised results.


If you don’t have a “Go From…To Statement”, take 15 minutes today to create a first draft.


Go from {undesirable state} to {desirable state}


Go from sounding like a beginner to confidently play the songs you love.


Check out the sales page swipe file for even more inspiration for your own high-converting mini-product offer page.


Swipe File:


Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnel Strategies

Unlocking the Power of Quiz Funnel Strategies


A well-optimized quiz funnel is the lowest cost lead generation asset you can develop. 


There are 3 quiz frameworks: Type, Killer and Score. 


The “Type” quiz fits perfectly with Dayna’s subject.


We all want to know what category we fit into. 


As parents, we are especially interested in what category our child falls into.


Despite our desires for our child to be unique and one of a kind.


Dayna does a great job of balancing this on her quiz opt-in page.


Immediately people visiting the page are hit with a countdown timer. 


This increases the urgency to take action now and triggers scarcity.


The entire copy for the page is just 39 words. 


It’s not the number of words that matters but the impact of the words.


Beautiful use of social proof above the fold here, blending both media outlets with mass appeal like USA Today and Lifehacker with niche-specific ones like Institute of Child Psychology and Parents.


One of the reasons why quiz funnels get such low-cost conversions is due to the sunk cost principle.


The quiz begins immediately, asking questions about you and your situation. 


This stokes self-interest.


It isn’t until the end of the quiz that you are asked for your email address. 


At that stage, you have answered all the questions. You have sunk effort into completing the quiz. 


Now to get the results, you need to enter your email address. 


Consistency will force you to follow through and supply your email address.
