A Simple But Effective Sales Page Format
So, let’s take a look at Colin’s offer.
Structurally, this is a very simple sales page built in Clickfunnels.
Colin’s 13-minute VSL does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the sale.
It’s a $47 offer with a $27 offer bump and a $297 one-time offer.

The primary promise is clear:
How to sell people into your programs using your conversion story.
He uses the [Primary Promise] without [Primary Frustration] headline format.
Colin also shows that you don’t need to worry about long headlines.
At 29 words in the primary headline and 10 in the sub-headline this is a mouthfull
Colin relies heavily on social proof from a lot of the “big” names in the online world.
The offer page is short (or comparably short to a lot of the pages we review).
But I like it. Even in its shortened form, it ticks all the boxes.
- Connect
- Problem
- Solution
- Your Solution
- Bonuses
- Transformation
- Objections
- Price reveal
- FAQ’s
The only thing I don’t see is a guarantee, which is unusual but perfectly acceptable with a low-ticket offer.
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